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A hyveOS network, or in short hyve, is a set of machines, called hyve nodes, that run hyveOS and are locally near to each other, such that they are connected via the mesh. You can think of a hyve as a self organizing network that is able to operate in isolation, however to bootstrap and debug your network, you need access to at least one node.

Each node in the network is uniquely identified by its ID, called node-id or peer-id, which can be retrieved by

Terminal window
hyvectl whoami

This peer-id is used for identification across the network and won’t change once the network is set up.


Next to the mesh connectivity, hyveOS core functionality comes from a set of decentralized services that can be used as networking and orchestration primitives for multi-robot systems. Currently, 5 decentralized services are available.

A distributed key-value store, that provides a standard put and get interface plus the ability to mark specific nodes as providers, which can be used as a pattern for building and retrieving certain roles for nodes

Each of these services can be used in the terminal with hyvectl and are exposed in the multi-language SDK, which currently supports Python, Rust, and Typescript.

Higher-level orchestration tools like leader election and task scheduling are in progress. If you have a suggestion, let us know and file an issue!

hyveOS Workflow

We provide a default workflow of developing applications for a hyve network, involving

  1. Writing decentral application code using our sdks
    from hyveos_sdk import Connection
    def main():
    async for msg in pubsub.subscribe("topic"):
  2. Using docker to package your code based on one of our base images:

    COPY /app/
  3. Building the image

    Terminal window
    docker build -t drone-application .
  4. Ship and deploy the application on remote peers directly over the hyve network

    Terminal window
    hyvectl hyve start drone-application <PEER_ID>

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